We wanted to create a live streaming event with immersive audio, and what better opportunity than collaborating with Marco Fagotti from Ossigeno, with whom there has always been a shared sensibility towards unconventional audio reproduction systems? This project was carried out as part of Marche Palcoscenico Aperto, an initiative to ensure that the performing arts continue to thrive, promoted by the Marche Region / Department of Culture and AMAT.

Marco Fagotti is a composer and musician from the Marche region, a pioneer in the use of computer technology in live performances. He has long experimented with innovative technologies and cutting-edge solutions in his work. In this case, the live streaming performance took the form of "Affabulazione," a kind of narrative improvisation.

From a technical standpoint, we used a matrix from the German company KLANG to binaural process the sound in real time and integrate it into the social media stream. All audio was captured via a Dante network, including various tracks recorded on the computer and played live, and then sent to a Yamaha console for an initial conventional mix. From there, the audio was routed to the matrix and finally to the video control room. Although there wasn’t much time to optimize the sound spatialization, we still consider it a good result and certainly an interesting use of the technology.


