Data Cables
Conductor drains mm: 0,2 4 pair with cotton yardConductor insulation: PEConductor insulation: 1,1 (in mm)Middle insulation: Matte Blue PVCMiddle insulation in mm: 6,0Outer insulation: Matte Blue PVCOuter insulation in mm: 7,6..
The DAP CAT5e U/UTP is a high quality UTP (Unfoiled, Unshielded Twisted Pair) network cable, suitable for various UTP connections to 1 Gbps. It will work for either (fast) ethernet, video, audio and lighting solutions, like video, DMX and audio controllers/mixers. The CAT5e U/UTP can be used either for 10, 100 and 1000 Mbps applications. This 305 m long network cable comes in black on a spool. It comes with a very handy tool for installers and resellers since it has a indicator mark for every si..
Conductor drains Ø mm: OFC 18 x 0,10Conductor insulation: FPE red+whiteConductor insulation: 1,9 (Ø in mm)Filler material: paper + cotton yarn1st shield: OFC braided 128 x 0,122nd shield: -Outer isolation: PVC black+blueOuter isolation Ø in mm: 6Conductor resistance: 130 Ohm/KmShield resistance: 12.5 Ohm/KmCapacity Inner conductor: 20 pF/mCap. Inner conduct. Shield/Inner conduct.: 65 pF/mWorking temperature: -20~60 °C (min. / max.)Working Voltage overflash: 30VNom Impedance: 110 Ohm..
Conductor drains Ø mm: OFC 18 x 0,10Conductor insulation: FPE red+whiteConductor insulation Ø in mm: 1,9Filler material: paper + cotton yarn1st shield: OFC braided 128 x 0,122nd shield: -Outer isolation: PVC black+blueOuter isolation Ø in mm: 6Conductor resistance: 130 Ohm/KmShield resistance: 12.5 Ohm/KmCapacity Inner conductor: 20 pF/mCap. Inner conduct Shield / Inner conduct.: 65 pF/mWorking temperature: -20~60 °C (min. / max.)Working Voltage overflash: 30VNom Impedance: 110 Ohm..
Conductor drains Ø mm: OFCConductor insulation: LDPE white + red + yellow + blackConductor insulation: 1,6 (Ø in mm)Filler material: paper1st shield: braided tinned copper 7 x 14 x 0,122nd shield: -Outer isolation: PVC matte blackOuter isolation Ø in mm: 7Conductor resistance: 130 Ohm / kmShield resistance: 12,5 Ohm / kmCapacity Inner conductor: 35 pF/mCap. Inner conduct. Shield/Inner conduct.: 52 pF/mWorking temperature: -20 ~ 60 °C (min./max.)Working Voltage overflash: 30VNom impedance: 110 Oh..
Conductor drains Ø mm: Ø 0.60mm Bare copperConductor insulation: high denisity PEConductor insulation Ø in mm: Ø1.02 mm ± 0.03mmConductor resistance Ohm/m: 0.0784 Ohm/mOuter insulation: Ø 5.5 mmWorking temperature min./max.: min: -30°C , max: 60°CVoltage overflash: max: 30VNominal impedance: 100 Ohm..
Conductor drains Ø mm: Ø 0.60mm Bare copperConductor insulation: high denisity PEConductor insulation Ø in mm: Ø1.02 mm ± 0.03mmConductor resistance Ohm/m: 0.0784 Ohm/mOuter insulation: Ø 5.5 mmWorking temperature: min :-30°C , max : 60°CVoltage overflash: max: 30VNominal impedance: 100 Ohm..
CAT5 cable, 4 pair of poles, 4,5mm outer diameter..
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